What buoys measured and what the actual wave heights were when they moved onshore...
Posted by chucky7777 on 3/3/2010, 12:41 am
Significant difference in my opinion.Along the immediate coast of Pelluhue, you have (unofficial)reports of two 18 foot waves coming on shore with a third reported to be even higher, meanwhile,the highest official measurement by a buoy in Chile was at TALCAHUANO at 7.7 ft., there was no buoy anywhere near Pelluhue.I guess this Shows just how important the local topography of the coast plays in how severe the height of the waves will be and how far inland the water pushes. There needs to be intensive mapping  of coastlines near coastal populations,not only in Chile but pacific-wide, heck anywhere that a tsunami could conceivably threaten coastal communities. I also don't think you can extrapolate much out of the buoy readings other than the tsunami has reached that location. Amazing the power of water when it is disturbed and displaced,whether it be a tsunami or storm surge from hurricanes, incredible.....
In this thread:
Pelluhue , Chile, Tsunami swept away fleeing bus full of retirees - hanna, 3/2/2010, 4:21 pm
  • What buoys measured and what the actual wave heights were when they moved onshore... - chucky7777, 3/3/2010, 12:41 am
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