Re: Artic Melt Would Change Our Weather
Posted by Conclue on 7/16/2010, 12:23 pm
Not only atmospheric circulations but what about ocean ciruclations? They would be altered as well. I believe theres a great write up about this on real I'll have to see if I can dig it up later on for you if you wish.

I clearly remember the blog noting that the tropics would only expand, that is if the fresh melt didn't alter allready existing ocean currents creating a new climate in Europe or altering circulations on a broader scale all together. It's very fascinating stuff because there are so many components to a much larger system. What does an open ocean a top of the earth mean for the climate in whole, severly altered circulation patterns that's for sure.
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Artic Melt Would Change Our Weather - Target, 7/16/2010, 3:19 am
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