their update today
Posted by cypresstx on 10/25/2012, 5:17 pm

What to do with Sandy, Pt. II?

a snippet:

The GOES-Sounder RGB Air Mass product above paints an interesting picture today. The red circle highlights the trough that will play a significant role in Sandy's evolution over the coming days. The red "L" is a vigorous shortwave that is digging into the mean trough and will help to keep pushing the entire red area east. The red-coloring in the image is stratospheric air (dry, lots of ozone) with the blue colors indicating much cooler mid-level temperatures, while the green color shows warmer mid-level temperatures (on average). Sandy is still off the screen in the lower right, but the outflow (fanning of high clouds) can be seen well to its north. The black circle highlights some orange shading that signifies the beginning of some interaction with an upper-level low pressure to Sandy's southwest. This would suggest that some transition to a hybrid may be starting.

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GOES-R and JPSS National Centers Perspective - cypresstx, 10/25/2012, 7:18 am
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