Re: Mississippi River flooding
Posted by hanna on 4/24/2013, 10:45 am
"they need to figure out how to get some of that flood water to the parched midwest areas that are in need of it."

Jumping off a cliff!!  

Shalista has stated what I did not clearly state in " NOAA predicts mixed bag of drought, flooding and warm weather for spring. - hanna,
3/21/2013, 4:26 pm"

Why not truck, plane it or find a way to transport it to the dry areas.  I am quite sure there is a way to do it, as for being cost effective
look at it this way.    What is the price tag one puts on life?

In the areas that will flood: 1. You save lives.  2. You save crops. 3. You save houses.  4. You save wild life.  5 You save businesses  6. What
about the pain and  suffering?

In the drought areas:  1.  You have life-sustaining water for plants animals and humans.  2.   How many plants, animals and humans will die
due to the lack of water?  3. How about the slow and painful death that is caused from the lack of water?   4. You will be be restoring health to
Mother Earth etc.

I could be wrong but if I am correct a drought helps the aqua-fir dry up (yes humans are largely responsible) there maybe sink holes in that area
when a torrential (sp) rain comes along the sink hole can open up.  

Could there be logic to my madness??  Think about it.

Since I live in sinkhole capital of the US I had to post this.  

In this thread:
Mississippi River flooding - Shalista, 4/23/2013, 11:36 am
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