Re: August 25th - 38th latest (latest since 2006)
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 8/25/2013, 10:02 pm
Latest run of the GFS (18Z on 25th) takes two systems and merges them in the north Atlantic at the end of about two weeks. Can't call the GFS boring! Can't call it very consistent either. I know, long range, but it's been rather all over the place in the second week of its forecast lately.

If Fernand had another twelve hours or so, Lawkat would have been able to call it. But it looks like we are going to get deeper in before we see the first hurricane. Can we make it to September 12 and beat the record for the satellite era? Of course that is about two and a half weeks away, which is a very long time. Look how fast Fernand popped up.
In this thread:
Latest hurricane formations - LawKat, 8/17/2013, 5:32 pm
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