Interesting article I ran across....
Posted by Shalista on 9/10/2015, 8:59 am
I ran across this article from the farmers almanac that I hope never happens again in the US...

The Year Without a Summer

Referred to by many names, including "the poverty year" and "eighteen hundred and froze-to-death," the year 1816 was literally a year without a summer across much of the Northern Hemisphere. Throughout not only North America, but also Northern Europe and parts of Asia, an exceptionally cold summer, featuring killing frosts in July and August, crippled food production. Crop failures and food shortages were so widespread that rioting and looting became common in the United Kingdom and France.

On this side of the Atlantic, many residents of New England and the Canadian Maritimes froze to death, starved, or suffered from severe malnutrition as storms-bringing a foot or more of snow- hit hard during May and June.........
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Interesting article I ran across.... - Shalista, 9/10/2015, 8:59 am
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