Re: it goes back 7 days here
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 10/28/2015, 10:08 am
Well, that puts it in perspective.

I was very hesitant of those winds initially until the NHC put it in the discussion. They must not have had time, or knew how then, to pull this raw-er data up.

"An unconfirmed sustained wind report of 185 mph and a gust to 211
mph was received from a NOAA/NWS Hydrometeorological Automated Data
System (HADS) elevated station (295 ft) at Chamela-Cuixmala, Mexico
near the time of landfall.  This observation should be considered
unofficial until it has been quality controlled."

It's really clear with this data...

Sustained WindWind Gusts
5:20pm CDT:34.60 mph91.95 mph
5:30pm CDT:42.41 mph103.11 mph
5:40pm CDT:46.44 mph129.21 mph
5:50pm CDT:49.04 mph138.63 mph
6:00pm CDT:66.22 mph160.95 mph
6:10pm CDT:88.97 mph210.92 mph
6:20pm CDT:104.22 mph612.68 mph
6:30pm CDT:148.55 mph789.01 mph
6:40pm CDT:133.36 mph735.01 mph
6:50pm CDT:185.01 mph864.22 mph
7:00pm CDT:266.04 mph1,137.89 mph
7:10pm CDT:227.04 mph903.96 mph
7:20pm CDT:261.39 mph933.84 mph
7:30pm CDT:162.32 mph765.33 mph
7:40pm CDT:81.16 mph768.68 mph
7:50pm CDT:65.72 mph143.72 mph
8:00pm CDT:76.45 mph148.68 mph
8:10pm CDT:69.25 mph143.28 mph
8:20pm CDT:56.54 mph121.89 mph
8:30pm CDT:45.45 mph103.54 mph
8:40pm CDT:46.13 mph95.98 mph

If your wind speed needs a comma, something went very, very, very, very, very, very, very wrong well before that.

The code was intelligent enough to not show the over 200 mph sustained winds and the gusts beyond 211 mph. Although, if everything had been displayed there would never have been any question it was bonkers.
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CIMSS / SSEC Weather Briefing 10/23/2015 Patricia - cypresstx, 10/26/2015, 9:28 am
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