Harvey Battling Dry-Air Entrainment
Posted by Gianmarc on 8/24/2017, 4:41 pm
While it's obvious that Hurricane Harvey is intensifying today, to my eye it also is obvious that intensification could be even more rapid than it already has been if Harvey were not battling some dry-air entrainment. Over the years I have noticed that this is one of the least predictable and most overlooked dynamics influencing the magnitude of a given storm's intensification. All day, I have been watching the shallower yellows slicing and spiraling into the deeper reds on this loop; this phenomenon also is apparent on visible and other colorized loops. While all other conditions to me seem conducive enough to support a Cat 4, it's possible that intensification could be slowed down at least slightly so long as dry air keeps trying to cut into this storm's core as it's done throughout the day today.

I would embed the loop here but it seems that .gif links no longer can be embedded in posts on this board using the "Image" feature as had been the case for years. Oh, well. Here is the link then: http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/goes/east/gmex/rb-animated.gif

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Harvey Battling Dry-Air Entrainment - Gianmarc, 8/24/2017, 4:41 pm
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