"HRD kicks off 2021 Hurricane Field Program"
Posted by cypresstx on 5/27/2021, 5:51 pm

they & their partners will have a ton of stuff going on - just a snippet:

New this season are the use of the Altius-600, a new Uncrewed Aerial System for research into tropical cyclones. Air-Launched Autonomous Micro Observer (ALAMO) floats can be launched from NOAA's P3 aircraft to provide 100 - 150 profiles of ocean conditions down to 1000 m depth, and small drifters will measure conditions at the ocean surface. Saildrones will also provide weather and ocean data at the surface as the wind pushes them along. A Compact rotational Raman Lidar will measure temperature, moisture, and small particles from the aircraft to the surface. A Terrestrial High-energy Observations of Radiation instrument will measure gamma radiation associated with lightning.

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"HRD kicks off 2021 Hurricane Field Program" - cypresstx, 5/27/2021, 5:51 pm
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