Re: Happy 4th of July
Posted by Cape_Fear_NC on 7/4/2009, 1:05 pm
Happy Independence Day!

They still sell fireworks in the grocery stores here in N.C. and I assume the more heavy duty stuff I see (firecrackers, exploding aerial rockets, etc.) are still coming from our neighbor to the south.

I just returned from a vacation to King George, Va, Kensington, Md, and Washington, D.C. - and am ready for the "local bombardment" lol.

Maryland's long ago banishment of EVERYTHING, including even sparklers - remains IMO as one of the worst acts perpetrated by that state upon the people. You can buy a gun but you can't buy a sparkler? Gimme a break.

Banning cherry bombs (as my neighbor Virginia did when I was a kid) is one thing - but fireworks? Come on now!

Sure there's potential danger with fireworks but so what? (Does anyone remember: "Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither"? The banning of fireworks (as so many states did) was just one of many changes for the worse I've seen in my lifetime.

I do celebrate our independence from Great Britain but I'm also aware how aghast our 18th and 19th Century forebearers would be if they could see what became of the small government they created. Ironically, the next revolution will be against our own government (the natural process of advancing civilization.)

Enjoy the show,


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Happy 4th of July - hanna, 7/4/2009, 9:33 am
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