Satellites able to detect "tsunami shadow" or leading edge of tsunami as it moves across the ocean
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jack ruby on 7/16/2009, 3:10 pm
The analysis was done by viewing images from space of the great Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004. Results confirm earlier analysis that an oncoming tsunami actuall changes the texture of the ocean surface, making it slightly rougher, creating a color variation which can be observed from space. Could be a valuable tool in tsunami forecasting. Also, in a related development, the recent earthquake-tsunami event in New Zealand posted on by Jac, confirmed the value of mid-ocean buoys in determing strength and time frame of the oncoming tsunami toward Australia. It was not a major tsunami event, but the buoys performed well. Here's the article on the "tsunami shadow" detected from space. |
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Satellites able to detect "tsunami shadow" or leading edge of tsunami as it moves across the ocean - jack ruby, 7/16/2009, 3:10 pm
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