Serious Question for Experts
Posted by
BobbiStorm on 8/12/2009, 9:08 pm
Experts meaning people who I really value and trust their opinion... not based on degrees or titles, based on what I see and what I know..
Please help explain to me why the models, take these (please)do not seem to be reading the current set up in the Atlantic. And, don't tell me how perfect the next wave is unless you have good, reasonable, logical data and thoughts because it is going to run into the same wall of shear and SAL that this one did.
And, yet... several of the models take it and run with it like it's a Bruce Jenner and not Ana.
I am serious, not arguing which model I like better, asking what is that is wrong with the models that they cannot read the intensity of the hostile environment that is out there?
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