Re: Only The 12z NGP Model Has Closest Approach To New England
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Cape_Fear_NC on 8/20/2009, 8:47 pm
I'm not surprised the ocean temperatures are warm but when I read media reports like that, unfortunately I too often have to cringe at something I see. In this case, it's the 88F water temperature claimed for Ocean City, Md.
Having visited (and even lived along) the coasts of Delaware and Maryland a good part of my life, I'm well familiar with the seasonal water temps there. I'm also familiar with the ocean currents on the U.S. East Coast (Maryland is well within the Labrador current which never sees water temps anywhere near that high.
When I saw a claimed 88F water temp for Ocean City, Md - my jaw dropped - because I'd never seen the water there reaching even the 80F mark. So I checked out the Ocean City water temp. just now - and I see it's 76F. That's very nice water for them - they're happy! We're just about at the seasonal peak and they may get up to 78F which is as high as I've ever seen for Ocean City, MD.
But the INLET at Ocean City, Md has a buoy - and IT'S water temperature is 84F - because the inland bay with its warmer water is flowing out. Very misleading! - And still not 88F. (The buoy offshore is showing 78F.)
Bottom line: yes, the water temps are above normal - but crimany, I'm sick and tired of the media (especially TV) using misleading information to make points; it's a frigging plague. If nothing else, they should at least try and be 100% honest in science articles - but then maybe the author just grabbed a few headlines from here and there and didn't do any real research to begin with...that's just as, if not more likely.
Whatever the case, you can take it to the bank - the water temp at Ocean City, MD is not and never has been 88F.
Tim in NC - just above the SC border - where the water temp. is about 85F - which is quite normal. |
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