What I Learned By Watching The Weather Channel For 20 Minutes Today
Posted by DougInBrevardForce10 on 8/27/2009, 1:19 pm
The Business Barometer from CNBC on TWC talked about the success of cash for clunkers or lack of it, other companies and stock info that I could have found out if I had tuned into the channel before TWC which happens to be CNBC.

I learned how to properly make great corn on the cob for Labor Day and healthy fruit platters.

I learned from Al Roker that rapper Flo-Rida has a new disc out and got to catch a performance from him. I learned about the Ted Kennedy legacy, weather on the 8's, a 90 second look at Danny, a look at this weekend's pre-season NFL games from NBC Sports, commercials, local on the 8's, a promo for The Office and Law and Order SVU and diet tips for those working those pounds off outdoors and the best ways to stay cool while looking cool.

The WEATHER CHANNEL...keepin' it real...I guess.

NBC/GE/Universal destroys another entity.
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What I Learned By Watching The Weather Channel For 20 Minutes Today - DougInBrevardForce10, 8/27/2009, 1:19 pm
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CaneTalk: What I Learned By Watching The Weather Channel For 20 Minutes Today
What I Learned By Watching The Weather Channel For 20 Minutes Today
Posted by DougInBrevardForce10 on 8/27/2009, 1:19 pm
The Business Barometer from CNBC on TWC talked about the success of cash for clunkers or lack of it, other companies and stock info that I could have found out if I had tuned into the channel before TWC which happens to be CNBC.

I learned how to properly make great corn on the cob for Labor Day and healthy fruit platters.

I learned from Al Roker that rapper Flo-Rida has a new disc out and got to catch a performance from him. I learned about the Ted Kennedy legacy, weather on the 8's, a 90 second look at Danny, a look at this weekend's pre-season NFL games from NBC Sports, commercials, local on the 8's, a promo for The Office and Law and Order SVU and diet tips for those working those pounds off outdoors and the best ways to stay cool while looking cool.

The WEATHER CHANNEL...keepin' it real...I guess.

NBC/GE/Universal destroys another entity.
In this thread:
What I Learned By Watching The Weather Channel For 20 Minutes Today - DougInBrevardForce10, 8/27/2009, 1:19 pm
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