About another week of this--and then possible pattern change in tropics??
Posted by jack ruby on 9/17/2009, 7:03 am
As many have pointed out, the pattern for development in late season can be quite a bit different than that established during the traditional Cape Verde heart of the season. And for hurricane enthusiasts, I hope for you that it is. Perhaps in another week, this ver lame  Cape Verde season will come to an end, and we can begin looking a little closer to home. Of course the most favored area is the NW Carribean, with a move into the southern Gulf. But I would caution and remind that there are still other possibilities. Late Sept-Early October can see development in the E Carib, moving either WNW or NW toward the Bahamas.  
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About another week of this--and then possible pattern change in tropics?? - jack ruby, 9/17/2009, 7:03 am
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