Choi Wan down to Cat4
Posted by
JAC on 9/17/2009, 7:45 am
Poleward Outflow-Channel due to TUTT to the east of Choi Wan has diminshed causing the drop in intensity.
Anti-cyclone center is slightly displaced 30 miles NW of the COC.
Eye-wall is just short of being a Hot-Tower. Looks like two small Hot-Towers firing on the periphery of the TC. I have never seen so many Hot-Towers fire within a TC like this before.
Core still hot at 8C.
Now looks like a little sharper recurve on the latest forecast track.
Tokyo could be OK.

In this thread:
Choi Wan down to Cat4 - JAC, 9/17/2009, 7:45 am- Textbook EWRC - JAC, 9/17/2009, 10:33 pm
- Re: Choi Wan down to Cat4 - hanna, 9/17/2009, 9:29 am
- Offical Min Pressure tagged at 915 mb - JAC, 9/17/2009, 9:02 am
- A new bigger eye in the works - JAC, 9/17/2009, 8:11 am
- AIR Tracking 'Super Typhoon' Choi-Wan - JAC, 9/17/2009, 8:07 am
- Great VIS Views - JAC, 9/17/2009, 7:56 am
- In mature phase - JAC, 9/17/2009, 7:51 am
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