Issued at 12:45 UTC, 17 September 2009 Analyses at 17/12 UTC Scale Large Intensity Very Strong Center position N21°35'(21.6°) E139°50'(139.8°) Direction and speed of movement NW 15km/h(7kt) Central pressure 935hPa Maximum wind speed near the center 50m/s(95kt) Maximum wind gust speed 70m/s(135kt) Area of 50kt winds or more Wide 220km(120NM) Area of 30kt winds or more Wide 500km(270NM) Forecast for 18/12 UTC Intensity Very Strong Center position of probability circle N25°10'(25.2°) E138°50'(138.8°) Direction and speed of movement NNW 15km/h(9kt) Central pressure 935hPa Maximum wind speed near the center 50m/s(95kt) Maximum wind gust speed 70m/s(135kt) Radius of probability circle 130km(70NM) Storm warning area Wide 350km(190NM) Forecast for 19/12 UTC Intensity Very Strong Center position of probability circle N31°00'(31.0°) E143°00'(143.0°) Direction and speed of movement NNE 30km/h(17kt) Central pressure 945hPa Maximum wind speed near the center 45m/s(85kt) Maximum wind gust speed 60m/s(120kt) Radius of probability circle 330km(180NM) Storm warning area Wide 520km(180NM) Forecast for 20/12 UTC Intensity Very Strong Center position of probability circle N38°10'(38.2°) E150°35'(150.6°) Direction and speed of movement NE 45km/h(24kt) Central pressure 950hPa Maximum wind speed near the center 40m/s(80kt) Maximum wind gust speed 60m/s(115kt) Radius of probability circle 460km(250NM) Storm warning area Wide 650km(350NM),09-WPAC-15W.CHOI-WAN,09-EPAC-16E.MARTY,09-SHEM-91S.INVEST,09-EPAC-98E.INVEST&SIZE=full&PHOT=yes&NAV=tc&YR=09&ATCF_BASIN=wp&ATCF_YR=2009&YEAR=2009&ATCF_FILE=/SATPRODUCTS/kauai_data/www/atcf_web/public_html/image_archives/2009/wp152009.09091706.gif&CURRENT=20090917.0812.f13.x.vis1km_high.15WCHOI-WAN.130kts-926mb-210N-1403E.100pc.jpg&AGE=Latest&CURRENT_ATCF=wp152009.09091706.gif&ATCF_NAME=wp152009&ATCF_DIR=/SATPRODUCTS/kauai_data/www/atcf_web/public_html/image_archives/2009&ARCHIVE=active&MO=SEP&BASIN=WPAC&STORM_NAME=15W.CHOI-WAN&STYLE=tables&AREA=pacific/southern_hemisphere&DIR=/SATPRODUCTS/TC/tc09/WPAC/15W.CHOI-WAN/vis/ols/1km_zoom&TYPE=ssmi&PROD=gif |