recon ,Fred & quickscat
Posted by
jimw on 9/19/2009, 9:42 am
Just an opinion to see what people think about quickscat satelite. Bill Proenza harped on this during his brief stay at NHC that a new scatterometer satelite is needed. Half of the time there is no data especially on a system like Fred. Meanwhile NHC may dispatch a recon flight later today at a cost to tax payers ( I know its already in the budget bla bla bla) when a quickscat pass could tell us if we have a depression or not. Another words if quickscat shows no west winds before noontime & convection is fading I say scrap the flight,but we may not get that data. If an improved satelite can determine with accuracy the winds at the surface we could probably cut the recon flights in half & save the money for when it really counts like significant hurricanes approaching land. How many times have we seen a recon mission cut short or a gap in data with recon? Something tells me that there was more politics than I realized when he made those statements about that satelite. The AF & NOAA recon missions would be cut significantly,just something to chew on. |
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recon ,Fred & quickscat - jimw, 9/19/2009, 9:42 am Post A Reply
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