Choi-Wan Stats: ACE = 19.75
Posted by
JAC on 9/21/2009, 7:08 am
Birth 2009-09-12 18:00:00 UTC
Death (Latest) 2009-09-20 12:00:00 UTC
Length of Movement 3819 (km) Average Speed 20.5 (km/h) | 492 (km/d)

CloudSat's image of Choi-Wan late Sept. 14 showed hot towers on both sides of the eyewall (bright red bands) in the Aqua satellite AMSR-E instrument 89 GHz image. Image also shows an enclosed eye wall (red circle) around the center with orange and red reflectivities (intense convection and precipitation) extending outwards. Credit: NASA JPL/Colo. State

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Choi-Wan Stats: ACE = 19.75 - JAC, 9/21/2009, 7:08 am Post A Reply
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