Pyroclastic flows on Soufriere Hills
Posted by
JAC on 10/12/2009, 11:10 am

Rockfalls and small pyroclastic flows have been occurring since the early hours of Friday October 9, and observations from the helicopter at 3 pm on the same day revealed that a new lava extrusion is occurring above the White River Valley. At present rockfall and pyroclastic flows appear to be confined only to the south. A moderate sized pyroclastic flow occurred at about 2:40 am on the morning of October 10. At the time of writing (8:00am) rockfall and small pyroclastic flow signals are continuing. The largest of these is generating ash clouds that are drifting northwest across Old Towne, Olveston, Salem and Woodlands regions, however ash fall is possible in other regions in the coming days. |
In this thread:
Pyroclastic flows on Soufriere Hills - JAC, 10/12/2009, 11:10 am- Lava dome continues to grow - JAC, 10/15/2009, 8:37 am
- Oct 12 Image - JAC, 10/13/2009, 3:58 pm
- Montserrat volcano spews ash, residents wear masks - JAC, 10/12/2009, 11:59 am
- Oct 6 Image - JAC, 10/12/2009, 11:57 am
- Great intro video - JAC, 10/12/2009, 11:24 am
- Latest SO2 Emissions - JAC, 10/12/2009, 11:14 am
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