Pictures of plants before and after freeze at my house
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 1/11/2010, 12:29 am
Now the longest cold stretch below 60 in recorded history here in Tampa.

Inside, nice and cozy:

Now here are the before and after pictures. The first picture in each pair were taken Saturday. The second, Sunday. Only 24 hours apart. I didn't take all the pictures at the same angles. Some plants I forgot in the before pictures and only happened to snap a little of.

These plumeria trees, which during warmer times produce flowers that leis in Hawaii are made of, usually lose their leaves this time of year. But being near the house, some leaves remained. But the 24 hour change was still amazing:


Other plants and trees:

I forgot to take a before picture but happened to have a little bit of a before picture while taking something else's picture.


Taken from different directions. The red is what you are comparing. The green before didn't do well either and another type of it is seen in a later comparison.


Not supposed to be droopy. They'll die, but some might come back.


We have a lot of this and it will likely die.


There are a lot more examples but some pictures did not come out, there are a lot of similar plants too, some damage is just showing on some of the trees, and some plants I didn't have before pictures of.


There is not enough visible damage in the yard to see how the entire yard changed, but here are some before pictures of the yard and if in a few days or few weeks it changes, I'll post after pictures. More pictures taken Saturday before freeze.

Front yard panorama. The two big groups of green bushes on either side of the walk going up to my front door usually get very wiped out in a freeze, but they usually come back.

Near my front door, this dies in freezes. The before picture actually doesn't look that great. I think the morning it only froze for a few hours might have done some damage to this one. If so, it might really show some damage later.

And this is our big tree, a rubber tree. It's in the banyan family, which are trees that have roots that hang down from the tree back into the ground. Another family of tree you see a lot in Hawaii and are good to climb on. This tree used to be a lot larger, but my dad cut a large amount that used to hang over the screen enclosure. (The branches wanted in.)

Side yard view. Some interesting notes about this picture. All the way at the left is the light pole that got struck by lightning and had a surge through at least 5 homes, and killed my computer and doorbell, in August last year. Then to the right of center, the tree nearest the sidewalk and my neighbors driveway intersection is a bottle brush tree. That entire tree died in the around 1985 freeze, along with just about everything in our yard. From the roots however this tree grew and is now two stories tall. And all the way to the right, the tree that is about three stories tall, it would not take much for it to die. My dad just cut a bunch off that tree, so it might be even more in jeopardy. The giant rubber tree is right behind that tree in the back of the house, but is blocked from view.

Plumeria (which produce flowers that you see in Hawaiian leis) in our side yard, which you don't know if they live until they don't since the leaves normally fall off in winter. Growing these from seeds takes 3 to 5 years until they bloom which is why you don't grow these in places it freezes:

And this picture taken last month to show perspective of the giant rubber tree, with me standing next to the base. Some leaves at the top browned, but we will not know how it does until later. No good picture of the after effects of the freeze on it. It's really high up and only the top leaves were a little brown.

So far tonight at least, temp here near my house remains 34 just after midnight. At least the duration of tonight's freeze will be less than last night.
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Pictures of plants before and after freeze at my house - Chris in Tampa, 1/11/2010, 12:29 am
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