Another rolling set of quakes worldwide ...
Posted by
LawKat on 1/13/2010, 8:04 pm
Solomon Islands released a 6.2 nearly two weeks ago in the southern Pacific Ocean.
Last week, Northern California saw a 6.5 quake occur.
Now the Haiti quake occurs, measuring 7.0.
We saw a wave of quakes worldwide after the large 9.0 Tsunami producing quake. The travel of energy and crust releases moved from west to east, just as it has seemed to do with this set of quakes.
I was astonished to see the USGS averages for quake measures yearly.
6.0 - 6.9 = 134 per year 7.0 - 7.9 = 17 per year 8.0+ = 1 per year
Of interest to me, is that this quake average hasn't veered much up or down in any given decade, by their stats. Amazing.
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Another rolling set of quakes worldwide ... - LawKat, 1/13/2010, 8:04 pm Post A Reply
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