Re: Jac/Conclue I have a question.
Posted by JAC on 1/14/2010, 3:13 pm
Wow - a Mike Doran topic.

I was tracking this some during last season.

So far I didn't see a correlation with space weather and TC's

When I first looked at it in some detail, there was a change in charged particle flux and about 12 hrs later an RI happened to a TC.  I forgot which one it was.

Later, I was watching more TC's and space weather and didn't see a correlation at all.

The big correlation is in Hot Towers.

I think NHC's rule of thumb is 70% chance of RI within 48 hrs after a Hot-Tower fires.

From my observations, if there is a good outflow channel or anti-cyclone; about 90% chance within 24 hrs.

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Topography Along the Enriquillo-Plaintain Garden Fault, Haiti - JAC, 1/14/2010, 6:48 am
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