Re: Climate Change Controversy---Larger Story is Erosion of Public Trust
Posted by
chucky7777 on 2/20/2010, 10:34 pm
Well in today's political stalemate and polarization, arguing about it and doing nothing will continue,add to the fact there is a mentality that exists with many people that think "It won't affect me in my lifetime and technology will advance in the future to deal with it effectively". ...It's really sad humans will argue and do nothing as our climate continues to warm up. It would be wise to take steps to reduce human contribution to this warmer period we are experiencing, It would be cheaper in the long run to take steps now rather than end up having to spend billions or perhaps trillions of dollars on defending the millions at risk from rising sea levels,also just think of the social and economic upheaval of mass migration inland from inundated coastal population centers, the numbers of people displaced in the multi millions.......... |
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