Re: Geomagnetic Warning in Effect
Posted by
Conclue on 2/22/2010, 9:08 am
Oh yeah, definitly. I'm just glad I don't need to take the straight course PDEQ. Last semester in Geophysics we spent prolly 70% of the course working on the "Momentum" equation of the Atmosphere which is a ridiculously huge partial DE, and he mentioned on the first day we can't solve the equation, computers must because of tehcnicalities in all the terms, so I DEFINITLY understand their importance but would love to avoid the course at all costs.
Math has been a challenge for me since middle school. I never took it seriously because I was always fustrated so going into this field 4 years after HS was a big deal. But I'm doing it, and doing it pretty well! |
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2/16/2010, 6:50 am Post A Reply
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