Re: OH JAC... Great Juice Expert... please explain
Posted by
JAC on 2/23/2010, 12:48 pm
It is an easy concept once you visualize it in your mind.
The yellow/orange pixels represent high moisture content in the air close to the surface.
A surface-low draws that moisture air up out of the tropics. Most of the times it comes from the ITCZ.
The Coriolis force causes that moist air to spin counter-clockwise around the center.
Since is concentrating around a center, it has to go somewhere and the only path is straight up into the atmosphere.
As the moist air lifts, it condenses and causes precipitation in the form of rain or snow.
So, the deeper the low, the greater the ability to draw that moist air up out of the ITCZ.
Also, if the low is close to a trop-wave, it has a better opportunity to get more moist air and hence generate more precip.
Latest Short-Range-Ensemble-Forecast (SREF) shows snow just missing Fred to the north.
A few inches for the Carolinas.
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