one of the giants... amazing life
Posted by BobbiStorm on 3/7/2010, 11:27 pm
She was not as famous in ways as her husband Bob Simpson, yet there really were few like her...

She achieved so much against so many odds.

Her work is legendary, there is not enough that can be said about her.

I spent the last several days reading comments and emails by meteorologists all over the world about her work... in so many areas, like facets of a diamond... she studied hurricanes from all the angles.

Wrote about her a little while ago.. didn't look here, so true Jac... hot towers, Joanne in crop dusters and viewing clouds from planes... from satellite imagery and staying on top of the ever changing field of hurricane research and every aspect of technology.

Amazing woman...

And Jim... in the field most people are not aware of the papers, research on academic levels that is ongoing. She did everything.

We see the tip of the ice berg, people who speak at the NHC on air.. people who write books for the mass market but the general public is often unaware of the people who have brought this field of ongoing research so far..

A movie should be made about her life.. it is that fascinating and she was that amazing.

In this thread:
NASA Weather Pioneer Joanne Simpson Passes (Helped ID Hot Towers) - JAC, 3/7/2010, 7:52 am
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