The island of Cikobia which was underneath Cyclone Tomas for some time over Mon and Tues this week
Posted by
hanna on 3/17/2010, 2:34 pm
NZ Air Force delivers relief and surveys damage from Cyclone Tomas in Fiji.
Posted at 10:14 on 17 March, 2010 UTC A New Zealand Hercules plane has completed a reconassaince of areas of Fiji ravaged by Cyclone Tomas and has delivered relief supplies, as reports of the extent of the damage begin to filter through. Relocation of the many people who fled their homes to shelter from the cyclone has been the focus of police efforts in Fiji's Northern Division late on Wednesday. There are initial reports that Cyclone Tomas has inflicted extensive damage to the Lau Group in Fiji, with 1,500 homes destroyed or damaged and as many as 50 percent of facilities affected. The first secretary development at New Zealand's High Commission in Fiji, Tom Wilson, says the airforce team gathered valuable information from areas like Cikobia which appears to be among the worst hit by Tomas. "That survey revealed damage particularly to the island of Cikobia which was underneath Cyclone Tomas for some time over Monday and Tuesday this week. There was damage to buildings, there looked like there'd been some inundation from the ocea to one of the coastal villages on that island. And those images have been relayed back to the Fijian authorities." Tom Wilson News Content © Radio New Zealand International PO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand
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The island of Cikobia which was underneath Cyclone Tomas for some time over Mon and Tues this week - hanna, 3/17/2010, 2:34 pm Post A Reply
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