video from my cam
Posted by
Fred on 3/19/2010, 8:59 am
Here are some videos that I recorded from my webcam during the storm,also has emergency scanner feed.Around the 45 second mark there is a strong gust.Althrought the video some pretty strong gust!I(Half way down on the leftside you can access the other videos)
In this thread:
pics from the storm -
3/14/2010, 5:26 pm- video from my cam - Fred, 3/19/2010, 8:59 am
- Re: pics from the storm - Fred, 3/19/2010, 8:59 am
- Aftermath pics - Fred, 3/15/2010, 8:01 pm
- Re: pics from the storm - nyislander, 3/15/2010, 6:41 pm
- more news videos - Fred, 3/15/2010, 9:42 am
- News videos - Fred, 3/14/2010, 5:57 pm
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