Posted by
JAC on 5/15/2010, 5:09 pm
I would say if this were in the West Pac today, even at this latitude, and approaching the Philippines, it would no doubt be an invest.
UL is absolutely perfect this afternoon.
Gorgeous anti-cyclone and poleward outflow channel.
It struggled a bit Thursday in what could be the end of a Walker cell.
Sure sprang to life after it got past the subsidence.
Good sign that waves won't be struggling this year like last with El Nino.
I am very impressed with this wave how well it looks this time of year.

In this thread:
Invest Worthy??? -
5/13/2010, 6:28 am- IMHO - JAC, 5/15/2010, 5:09 pm
- TODAY - Doorman, 5/15/2010, 8:51 am
- ITCZ - Hurricanelov3r, 5/13/2010, 3:38 pm
- Caribbean Shear - JAC, 5/13/2010, 12:59 pm
- Re: Invest Worthy??? - JAC, 5/13/2010, 12:42 pm
- Re: Invest Worthy??? - Adrian, 5/13/2010, 11:08 am
- Re: Invest Worthy??? - jimw, 5/13/2010, 7:06 am
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