Re: Storage tank from Deepwater Horizon washes ashore on PCB (is this even possible?)
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James g on 6/13/2010, 5:08 am
You would think that with all the boats in the Gulf along with the fly overs that this thing would have been spotted. However it did look as if it was partialy submerged,which could have made it hard to spot in the open sea,especialy with all the oil in the water. Having said that,this little incident sends my suspicous mind into overdrive.If I were that person who was exposed to the container's contents, I would be sweating blood right about now ! |
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Storage tank from Deepwater Horizon washes ashore on PCB (is this even possible?) -
6/12/2010, 9:32 pm- Re: Storage tank from Deepwater Horizon washes ashore on PCB (is this even possible?) - James g, 6/13/2010, 5:08 am
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