Solar Cycle 25, peaking around 2022, could be one of the weakest in centuries
Posted by
CypressTX on 6/15/2010, 6:31 pm
not to be confused with solar cycle 24, which peaks in 2011-2012 & was predicted to be intense...
![]( In red, David Hathaway's predictions for the next two solar cycles and, in pink, Mausumi Dikpati's prediction for cycle 24.
luckily, they have the newly commissioned SDO to keep tabs on it & try & make sense of it all. It's been sending data & scientists have been studying that data since mid-May. It was launched (later than planned) in Feb '10. It's been sending some extraordinary shots of the sun, the likes of which were never possible before. Like this one that puts Van Gogh's Starry Night to shame
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