Re: Update from "ground zero"
Posted by
James g on 6/20/2010, 7:27 pm
How is it legal in a situation like this for a private corporation to order such a blackout !? The public ceartainly has a right to know about anything which may effect us in regards to this situation.For instance,and, this is from the EPA web site,oil drilling activities do involve the removal of radioactive material from deep within the earth.Even under normal drilling procedures,these materials''which may include the oil it's self''often become concentrated in amounts that exposure becomes dangerous to animal and human life.According to the EPA, oil drilling along the Gulf coast produces higher levels of radioactive waste then in most other parts of the nation,with the exception of the Pacific NW.Again this is information from our own government,not some strange conspiracy site. We all are aware of the dangers posed to the public by the vast amount of toxic gasess being realesed by this out of control well and we are very aware that the oil it's self is destroying parts of our shoreline and our portion of the body of the Gulf of Mexico.It would seem to me that we could demand via the power of our constitutional rights that information not be withheld from the public.Perhaps we could even appeal to the UN to help us with this matter ,since it is not likely that our corporate owned gov. is going to do anything other than assist in dog and pony shows produced by BP. |
In this thread:
Update from "ground zero" -
6/20/2010, 10:57 am- Re: Update from "ground zero" - Kajungirl, 6/23/2010, 1:00 pm
- Re: Update from "ground zero" - jack ruby, 6/20/2010, 5:29 pm
- another update - Tiny, 6/20/2010, 4:46 pm
- Re: Update from "ground zero" - chucky7777, 6/20/2010, 3:20 pm
- Re: Update from "ground zero" - James g, 6/20/2010, 7:27 pm
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