Re: Alex does not look as impressive in last few frames
Posted by jack ruby on 6/28/2010, 4:03 pm
Sweet of you to ask, Hanna. But as I stated in another thread, I like to make and early prediction, one that obviously has a low percentage to it (sort of like swinging for a homerun). I like to try to predict when the storm is 5-7 days out if possible (before models begin to coalesce around a given locale). I did that earlier when I foretold a landfall east of Galveston (from Crystal Beach Texas-Beaumont-Orange-Port Arthur) area. I'll just stay with that. Even though its obvious now that all model info suggests a landfall from Central Tex south well into Mexico. Any call along that stretch is I'm sure a very reasonable one now.
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Alex does not look as impressive in last few frames - jack ruby, 6/28/2010, 2:56 pm
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