"It's just the normal noises in here"
Posted by CypressTX on 7/19/2010, 8:50 am
a soundbite of the woman from Tom Petty's Damn the Torpedoes:

          "It's just the normal noises in here"

listen at about 20 seconds in (might need to turn it up) - I recently lost a bet with my husband on this, I swore it was a Roger Waters/Pink Floyd thing...

in fact the whole song might be relevant for a way-too-often-used forecast that hits the same place over and over again...

ok, the curse of this post is that now I will hear this song every time Berwick forecasts landfall near his bay...
In this thread:
No Drama ...No Audience??? - Doorman, 7/18/2010, 7:12 am
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