Re: Short Answer....Crap!
Posted by jack ruby on 7/21/2010, 4:34 pm
Red circle should never ave been posted yesterday in the teeth of that TUTT---windshear was way too high. And today the system has shown sings of trying to organize around a low level center north of the Dominican Republic---but it can't still too much shear--still too close to that TUTT. Now many are telling me that the forecast is for the TUTT to move west some allowing the system to begin to come together. But as yet, I don't see it, and if it does, what concerns me is that it might move west right in tandem with 97L thus keeping shear high---so in that case development would still be excruciatingly slow---with the system really having trouble getting its bearings. Guess I'm in a minority here---and I know things can change---but right now---I don't see much.
In this thread:
Hey guys what does 97l look like - stormlover, 7/21/2010, 4:26 pm
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