Re: Question
Posted by
Conclue on 7/22/2010, 7:42 pm
I think a combination of the ULL 's influence on Bonnie and how fast it was moving to the west. In another thread Jim mentions how it's being dragged by the ULL. That's a great description because that's what it looks like and I can't help to think that the Northerly flow on the right hand side of the ULL is helping to push Bonnie a bith north *while* at the same time the convection tries to catch up with the circulation as it is being displaced by the ULL (In comparison to say how it would naturally steer if the ULL wasn't present).
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Question -
7/22/2010, 7:29 pm- Re: Question - Conclue, 7/22/2010, 7:42 pm
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