IAKE - A Parameter Useful to Track Genesis
Posted by JAC on 7/30/2010, 1:41 pm

Inertial Available Kinetic Energy (IAKE) can be viewed as a horizontal analogue to Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) and is related to inertial instability in a similar way that CAPE is related to parcel instability. The units for both IAKE and CAPE are [m2/s2].


We theorize that outflow channels are critical for the evacuation of mass and increasing the upward mass transport in developing storms. The more efficient the horizontal transportation at the top of the convection, the more the low will deepen given favorable lower levels. A major advantage to using IAKE to diagnose outflow channels is that it excels in non-axisymetric systems which developing pre-depression storms often feature.  Favorable low to mid-levels, identified as "marsupial pouches," can develop as long the efficiency of convection is sufficientin allowing a low to proceed to a fully formed Tropical Depression.



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IAKE - A Parameter Useful to Track Genesis - JAC, 7/30/2010, 1:41 pm
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