Upper Level Improving
Posted by
JAC on 7/31/2010, 5:49 pm
200mb Vorticity is diminishing over the area which is increasing outflow and IAKE.
Streamlines are fanning out over the convection indicating a strong updraft.
An anti-cyclone should form soon.
The large area of 200mb vorticity created a negative IAKE which inhibited its development the last couple days.
That vorticity is now moving west and will be over the convection that is now firing along 53W.
Convection should diminish over that area.
Also, PGI20L is under the influence of increasing 200mb vorticity over it which creates a convective outflow resistance hence squashing development.
If poleward outflow is greater than equatorward outflow, which includes 90L's forward speed, then IAKE should be positive and 90L should continue to develop to a TC.
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