Re: Anchored
Posted by
JAC on 8/5/2010, 10:38 am
Actually conditions are good for a hot-tower.
You have to look at 200mb vorticity.
If there is any vorticity at this level, that would indicate sinking air and would squash a hot-tower from developing.
Hot-towers come from very fast vertically rising high theta-e air in the boundary layer.
To shoot up to the tropopause, they can not be hindered by anything circulating CCW at high altitude.
This morning, VIS showed a lot of cumulus nimbus that was overshooting cirrus base.
So, that is a good indication that the atmosphere is good for hot-tower formation.
As the sun heats the UL atmosphere, parcel bouyancy becomes less and overshooting tops lessen.
That is the diurnal oceanic convection cycle.
One of the main objectives for GRIP, as far as I understand it, is to study the mechanics more of hot-tower development.
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