Past 25 seasons,when did we get to the C storm???
Posted by
Fred on 8/5/2010, 5:55 pm
Here is a list of the past 25 season with the date we got to the C storm(15 had C storm later then this year,10 had C storm earlier in the year)
2009-Aug 16 2008-Jul 19 2007-Jul 31 2006-Aug 1 2005-Jul 5 2004-Aug 10 2003-Jul 8 2002-Aug 5 2001-Aug 16 2000-Aug 18 1999-Aug 20 1998-Aug 21 1997-Jul 14 1996-Jul 25 1995-Jul 14 1994-Aug 16 1993-Aug 14 1992-Sept 22 1991-Sept 5 1990-Aug 2 1989-Jul 31 1988-Aug 26 1987-Sept 7 1986-Aug 16 1985-Aug 11 |
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Past 25 seasons,when did we get to the C storm??? - Fred, 8/5/2010, 5:55 pm Post A Reply
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