Former TD-5 Take from Jake
Posted by
Jake on 8/16/2010, 11:39 am
The disturbance has emerged into the NGOM this morning. And the ill defined center is just south of Pensacola. The cloud structure is elongated and so is the center. Although a well defined 850mb-700mb vortex is present, don't be fooled by the shear data showing light upper level winds. The core of the system is on the eastern periphery of an upper level high, this is creating NE shear over the system.
The slow motion is more West and the proximity to the coast, NE shear and it's ill and large circulation will hold development in check till landfall later tonight of early tomorrow morning. However, it could reach TD status and bring more heavy flooding rains to areas already flooded over the weekend with some gusty squalls. |
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