Re: Earl starting to look like 1938 track
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Gianmarc on 8/28/2010, 5:17 pm
I cannot count the number of storms that have taken the same path over the past 20 years--NONE of which reached the same destination as the 1938 storm. The 1938 storm's attempt at heading out to sea was blocked by a strong ridge of high pressure that started to build in from the east. As we've seen, that is an exceptionally rare scenario for storms that head north of 35N. Storms reach that far north when they have found a weakness in the ridge that had been sending them west before they gained latitude or they reach the western periphery of that ridge. If climatological history has demonstrated anything since 1938, it's that for that escape route to narrow and close as quickly as it did in the case of the 1938 storm is a once-in-a-generation event. Ultimately I think Earl and Fiona both will demonstrate that to us again. |
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Earl starting to look like 1938 track -
8/28/2010, 2:14 pm- Re: Earl starting to look like 1938 track - Gianmarc, 8/28/2010, 5:17 pm
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