Re: Wobbles are normal, but dangerous when close to land.
Posted by
Gianmarc on 8/30/2010, 3:27 pm
Well, it wouldn't surprise me if a place with the storm history of PR took the same approach to hurricane season that NYC takes to snowstorms: In all the years I spent in Brooklyn schools growing up, I don't remember them calling a snow day until there was enough snow on the ground that you had to be pulled home on a sled by reindeer (for the record, No, I never did see any reindeer in Brooklyn). |
In this thread:
Wobbles are normal, but dangerous when close to land. -
8/30/2010, 9:32 am- Re: Wobbles are normal, but dangerous when close to land. - ricksterpr, 8/30/2010, 12:28 pm
- Re: Wobbles are normal, but dangerous when close to land. - ArgosyTn, 8/30/2010, 11:29 am
- Raw T# 6.5 - JAC, 8/30/2010, 11:22 am
- Re: Wobbles are normal, but dangerous when close to land. - JAC, 8/30/2010, 10:17 am
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