Re: Riggy You Allright?
Posted by Riggy on 9/2/2010, 6:59 pm
Yep I"m fine, I came in from offshore last night.  This is on a production platform, no drilling going on.From what i understand they were sand blasting and painting the platform. Sand blasting can cause sparks, which can ignite any gas that might have leaked form things like valves. All the wells should be shut off by valves below the mud line. They are closed either by an ESD device worked by the personel, or by the fire when it burns though the plastic lines that provide gas to keep the valves open. They brough the men to the hospital in Houma, and from what i understand no one died, I hope it stays that way.
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Oil Rig Explosion in The Gulf Breaking News CNN - ArgosyTn, 9/2/2010, 11:43 am
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