Hatteras Village Morning Report
Posted by hattie on 9/3/2010, 9:33 am
Talked to my kids this morning. For perspective, their house sits on the creek off the sound just up from Oden's Dock and hte main breakwater for the harbor. In other words, close to the sound.  They had no damage. A littel water in the ground level garage. No broken windows or trees. No roof damage.  Sound rolled through the yard about 2' deep about 4 am, but didn't get into the main part of the house. Water has now receeded in the yard to where they can see the grass. Daughter's boyfriend has already been down to the dock to check on his charter boat- no damage to any of the boats tied down at the dock. Just waiting for the water to receed on Hwy 12 through the village so htey can go get their cars from the "high spots" and get back to work getting ready for the Labor Day tourists who will probably be let back on the island soon.
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Hatteras Village Morning Report - hattie, 9/3/2010, 9:33 am
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