More moisture could help Earl
Posted by
JAC on 9/3/2010, 12:07 pm
The Great Lakes Low is pulling up moisture from the GOM ahead of the Cold Front.
First image below shows TPW (Juice) in green.
2nd Image shows its beginning to be transported into Earl.
3rd image shows not too much cloud cover between Earl and the Front.
Daytime heating of the land will destabilze air between the two.
Earl will ingest the unstable moist air and could help to moderate his weakening,.
Key is to watch the core.
Currently a strong temperature inversion (convective cap) in the boundary layer as seen in the 4th image.
May be hard to break, but if it does convection could suddenly pop and deepen.
Need to wait and see.
Watch if a high rain-rate cell pops up.
Juice Loop on the bottom shows dry-air has not penetrated the core; however, infeed has weaken as seen by the lighter orange color pixels.

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9/3/2010, 7:37 am Post A Reply
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