Antilles wave getting consolidated, ...uh oh ....
Posted by LawKat on 9/8/2010, 9:12 pm
I'm no fan of gloom and doom, but the gloom part is that this wave is in a particularly dangerous place.  With a strong ridge expected to stay north of this wave for the next couple of days and the steering expected to eventually push it WNW, this one may make the Gulf.

Alex and Hermine, already in the Gulf is one thing, as they didn't have a lot of real estate to go over to strengthen.  

This one has a lot, and conditions have changed considerably since Bonnie and Colin.

Is THIS the wave that the models show as a strong system 9 days from now, in the Gulf heading NW?

Time will tell.
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Antilles wave getting consolidated, ...uh oh .... - LawKat, 9/8/2010, 9:12 pm
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