Re: It's that time of year again... Phone Advice... please
Posted by BobbiStorm on 9/13/2010, 10:23 pm
Well. Don't want to pay that much and I have a blackberry. On itouch now.

I don't need it for talk. Only emergencies. It's a Miami number, easier for kids, schools.

Not in love w wifi feature tho have unlimited so don't need it

want a phone to replace a sidekick I love because allows we to fluidly surf. Take pics. Write emails wo closing out of apps. Ca. Stop writing. Refresh web page. Take fast pic andstay on Im.  Nothing multi tasks as well. But since they stopped making one. I  want one that loops and allows me to multitasking. I pay $30 a month on it. No contract. Unlimited everything. I use the bb to talk.

Dislike bb for internet. I call back ppl on bb. Bb is free ;)

now does that help?
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It's that time of year again... Phone Advice... please - BobbiStorm, 9/13/2010, 9:12 pm
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