Re: Funky Chicken
Posted by gulfcoast2010 on 9/23/2010, 3:31 pm
I know I am a new member to this forum and my opinion probably doesn't matter much, but...If I could add my two cents...

First of all I would like to say that I have benefited from and enjoyed reading both perspectives and opinions regarding the development of this seasons tropical systems.

Second...multiple posts from one person in my opinion is not a problem if they are relaying information that I could not find otherwise without surfing multiple sites on my own. I appreciate JAC linking to or embedding all of the products that he does as well as what everyone else contributes. Doormans posts included ;-)

Third...maybe two separate forums are needed on this site...for and against development of said TC.

Thank you for your time.

Not A Troll :-)
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Euro shows crash and burn for 95L - Doorman, 9/23/2010, 10:26 am
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